Why Try
Reiki works with all aspects of the human experience - body, mind and soul. Reiki will assist with healing the physical, mental and spiritual Self.
Reiki for the Physical Body
Reiki works on the physical body. It can instantly sooth and comfort an ache, pain, inflammation, abrasion, etc. The Reiki energy immediately will move right to the inflicted area, surrounding and penetrating it with healing energy. But Reiki will also work on more serious illness and injury. Studies have shown that using Reiki while going through cancer treatment can reduce the stress and discomfort created by the chemotherapy as well as improve the outcome of the treatment itself. Also, Reiki has been determined to reduce pain in chronically ill patients as well as during the post operative phase of treatment by decreasing blood pressure and respiratory rate. Reiki for the Mental Body Because Reiki is a technique that induces a state of deep relaxation and stress reduction, it allows the mind to calm. The Reiki session itself is intended to provide an opportunity for the mind to relax and connect with one's inner self. Depression and stress are two clinical conditions that respond in a significant way to Reiki intervention according to a study conducted by the Center for Reiki Research. In addition, findings published in Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine state that Reiki significantly reduces depression and anxiety. Reiki also enhances self-esteem and provides for a greater sense of internal control. Reiki for the Spiritual Body This is the most important benefit of Reiki. Reiki allows the receiver to go deeper into their heart center, the place of connection with the Divine. We are all called to answer three fundamental questions about ourselves - Who am I? - What is my relationship to God? - What is my purpose in life? Interestingly, these questions are typically asked twice in our lifetimes. First, when as we enter adulthood, and then again when we reach a certain point in our adult lives and discover that what we have been chasing is not what makes us happy. Reiki provides for us a sacred place to be quiet, and listen to the still, small voice in our soul. And it is within this context that we can step into the life that we love living. |