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4/20/2020 0 Comments This is a Sacred TimeWe have all been humbled by the events of recent weeks. Seemingly overnight our lives have been plunged into tumultuous waters of fear and uncertainty. We are dealing with the anxiety and foreboding that accompanies sudden and unwelcome change. And we are suffering from the effects of isolation, trying to move through new and unfamiliar lives when slowing down, staying home, and being present in the moment are required.
For many of us, the prolonged isolation feels suffocating. Once we complete our busy work, finishing our to do list, we realize that we can only clean our homes so often. When the closets are organized, the junk draw is cleared, and the oven is cleaned, what do we do next? We find ourselves with extra time. Time can be stifling because we often avoid it by keeping busy. And, that busy-ness allows us to avoid deeper thoughts that may threaten to smother us with the truth of who we are, and who we must become. When we are not busily engaged with the tasks that we have set upon ourselves, the mind begins to wander, and the imagination takes hold. And thus, we begin to navigate the new world in which we now live. Not just the new limitations of our physical lives, but also the expansion of our spiritual lives. Now we read a book, play a game, cook a meal. We allow the quiet and still moments into our lives. Regardless of whether the life that we are experiencing right now may feel a little chaotic, there are still moments of peace. Those are the nuggets that we grasp, little bits of joy when seeing the delighted smile of a child or noticing the sparkling dance of sunbeams through the kitchen window. This time that we are being given is a gift. Time gives us the chance to think, to contemplate, to dream. Although quiet has been thrust upon us, we can use this time to create peace in our lives. And in that new-found peace, we can find a connection to our divine selves. We are being forced to pay attention to the quiet, where the inner self has a chance to speak. Why is this time sacred? Because we have an opportunity to explore this slowing down of our lives. When we strip away the frustration, the fear, the insecurity of the future what are we left with? We are left with only what we dream about and how we see ourselves. When we see ourselves, we can begin to dream about what kind of life we want. And that vision starts to become rich with color, with flavor, with texture. We vision because we have the time. And in the discovery of who we are, we will begin our lives anew. With a purpose that allows us to acknowledge and pursue our passions. This is our sacred time. When we come out of quarantine, we will return to lives that may initially look familiar but are very much changed. It will be a while before we can even begin to understand the far-reaching impact that this global pandemic will have on our community – both local and universal. And the underlying influence that it will have on our personal lives cannot even be anticipated at this time. The changes will creep up, without us being aware, until we look back six months or a year from now, and we suddenly realize just how different things have become. This is our opportunity to embrace the change and use this pandemic as a chance to create a new life for ourselves of purpose, prosperity and peace.
Reiki practitioners, as any other holistic healer, are not immune to the fear and insecurity that are prevalent in the world right now. But we are called to a higher standard because of our practice of energy medicine. We are charged with the responsibility of being Light Leaders. We know this when we begin our Reiki training. But how can we, as Reiki facilitators, be of service right now? Particularly when we are also having this human experience of tumultuous change?
First, we need to practice self-care. Practice Reiki on ourselves, and those around us. Meditation is best, but if that is not possible taking at least take 5 minutes per day to have a few minutes of quiet is essential. Diffusing essential oils or smudging, and carrying crystals are great tools to use for protection from toxins and poisons – be they physical or emotional. Create a loving, Reiki field of protection around yourself and your family. Then we need to embrace the change that is happening. With all the fear, the anger, and disappointment. As with all change, there is a lesson to be learned, a blessing to be bestowed. This is the most difficult part, and the most important. We must be the Light Leaders, and truly lead by stepping over the bridge of what has been to what is, and then reaching out a hand to help others across it. Finally, we stay calm and we breathe. When the panic starts up – How do I pay my rent? How do we eat? Remember your Source. Seek to stay connected to your divine self. And remember that we have access to a life of abundance and prosperity, regardless of how circumstances may appear. We can hold the space for healing in our country and in the world. We can do that by sending Distant Reiki to our Global Community. Take time each day to intentionally send healing energy to all of those that suffer with the virus, to all of those who work in the public sector – health professionals, emergency responders, truckers, retail workers, etc., to our leaders and medical experts who are tasked with navigating the world through the crisis. We can practice Reiki on our families, or those that we live with. Keeping the energy body strong and supported is as important as keeping the physical body safe and protected. Reiki will also provide deep relaxation and stress reduction. It will help to decrease worry and fear. We can continue to deepen our Reiki practice by exploring the Reiki principles, remembering that “Just for today” has a Universal meaning. Just for today we can be who we are, where we are. And tomorrow we start over, a little bit bigger and a little bit brighter. Now is the time to step further into our Reiki calling, welcoming each occasion where we can be of service. Practicing self-care is critical right now, as we need to be present and available to do our work. Staying calm and embracing the changes will assist us in getting through this time and allow us to be of support to others. Our world is shifting, and right now our work is to help usher in the changes. |
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Excelsior, MN 55331
Excelsior, MN 55331