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8/29/2017 0 Comments Reiki for ChildrenMy granddaughter and I have a thing. Whenever she gets hurt, she gets a magic kiss. And no matter how big or small the ouch, she feels better. Healing begins with the magic kiss.
In fact, studies suggest that Moms who soothe their child with a kiss can reduce stress by calming the hormones that can contribute to inflammation. At the very least, kisses reduce stress by promoting a sense of being loved and cared for. And the same can be said for the simple touch of the palm of the hand. Any parent knows that a simple touch on the head, the back, or the cheek can instantly soothe and comfort a child. This is one of the reasons that Reiki is great for children. Children are particularly sensitive to healing touch. They haven’t completely lost touch with their divine selves, and they still believe in the magic of love. Because Reiki is a light touch, laying on of hands method of holistic healing, children respond very well to it. It creates a sense of calm that will help reduce stress, increase focus, and relieve anxiety. Children with ADHD can especially benefit as Reiki will decrease some of the hyperactivity experienced, allowing the child to focus on their creativity and positive energy. Also, because Reiki reduces anxiety levels, children will more easily transition through major changes such as the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a move to a new home and school. With the new school year starting soon, some kids may be feeling especially anxious and Reiki can help make the transition much easier. Reiki is an excellent way to help children live calmer, more creative lives.
8/25/2017 0 Comments Getting Unstuck with ReikiHave you ever been in a place where you cannot seem to move forward, no matter how hard you try? Whether it concerns a relationship, your vocation, or physical health? It’s as though you have plateaued – the relationship is stale, the job is going nowhere, and you can’t seem to lose those last 10 pounds, in spite of all the dieting and exercise.
Reiki can help you get “unstuck”. We all have both a physical body and an energetic body that includes (but is not limited to!) the aura, the chakras, and the meridians. The energy body consists of higher vibrations than the physical body. Because Reiki channels the highest vibration of energy, it works specifically with the body’s energy systems. How does this work? Throughout our lives we encounter painful situations. And frequently, particularly when we are children, we are not capable of navigating through the experience in a healthy way. Instead, we stuff the feelings, deep down into our core. And then we convince ourselves that the anger, disappointment and humiliation no longer exist. But we’re wrong. Unresolved feelings will seep into the energy body, just as an untreated infection will ultimately seep into the bone, damaging and debilitating our very foundation leading to erroneous beliefs about ourselves such as “I am not good enough”, “I can’t do this”, or “Things never work out for me.” Once the feelings have lodged in the energy body, they will remain there until they are released. Reiki provides the path for release. Channeling the highest vibration of energy, the energy of love, Reiki will clear and balance the body’s energy systems. The block will be removed, the energy cleared, allowing higher vibrations of energy to flow throughout the body. And when high vibration energy flows throughout the body, it will attract the same. The passion is rekindled in a stagnant relationship, an exciting job opportunity presents itself, and the body responds by releasing the extra weight. Reiki will help you become “unstuck” in any area of your life, allowing one to begin the process of healing from old hurts, and to start living a more joyful life. We are all entitled to be happy and to live the life of our dreams. It is our birthright. The problem is that we are taught from the very beginning of our lives that life is a struggle, you work hard and then you die.
Many of us walk through our entire lives without ever experiencing the true joy that comes from fulfilling our life’s purpose, never really knowing the delight of how it feels to be truly prosperous and abundant. Because prosperity and abundance have nothing to do with how much money one has. True abundance is about having a life that brings you joy. It is a life that is rich in loving relationships, a vocation that you are passionate about, and excellent health in body, mind and spirit. When your health, your work and your relationships are all in alignment, you will naturally experience financial freedom and flow. How do we find our purpose in this life, the gifts that we have to give to the world? We start by coming into center with our divine self. We are all divine souls, having a human experience, and as such we have access to the center of our divine self. We reach this center by being quiet. No phones, tv, radio, nothing to distract. And then we sit and listen to our longings. We ask ourselves what brings us joy? What kind of life would we love to live? And we listen to our inner voice. Once we know what we long for, we can begin to visualize what our dream life looks like. We begin to build the blueprint for the rest of our lives. What does that life look like, feel like, smell like? We use our imagination and dare to dream in big, bold, beautiful colors, textures, and scents. Reiki provides a place to be quiet. A place to connect with our inner longings. Because Reiki provides a sense of deep relaxation, we can dare to vision. Dare to dream in detail of a life that we would love to live. Reiki offers a safe and supportive place to begin the discovery of your life’s purpose, that will lead to building the life of your dreams. A diagnosis of cancer will send a patient reeling into the unknown. How will I respond to cancer treatment? How bad will I feel during the treatment? Will I recover? Reiki can help cancer patients by increasing comfort levels and enhancing healing.
Reiki is a non-invasive technique that has no side effects or complications, therefore, it can be used on cancer patients at any time after their diagnosis and at any stage of their treatment. Reiki induces a state of deep relaxation and stress reduction that will support cancer patients in dealing with the anxiety of the future and the ultimate outcome. The calming aspect of Reiki will provide the patient with a sense of peace that can help with focus and clarity in decision making regarding their treatment. In addition, Reiki will restore the mental and emotional balance in the patient, providing them with emotional fortitude as they move through the treatment process. Reiki will support the patient’s medical treatment by working on the body’s energy systems, promoting conditions by which the body can begin to heal itself. In addition, the American Cancer Society states that many cancer patients have reported that Reiki treatments have lessened the effects of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. Hospitals, chemotherapy rooms, and the dispassionate hustle of the medical facilities can be overwhelming to cancer patients. Because Reiki sessions are given in a calm and safe setting, many patients find it beneficial right after the rush and clinical environment of the treatment center by restoring the patient’s overall sense of well-being. Although Reiki should never be used in place of medical cancer treatments, using it in conjunction with traditional medicine will increase comfort, ease the emotional turmoil, and improve the healing process. |
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Rising Sun Reiki Studio -
Excelsior, MN 55331
Excelsior, MN 55331